Today my family went to the beach. My dad and I went for a swim first then we went to hire a surf board for Oscar.

While Oscar was surfing I went with my dad to go buy a hat and sunny's

After that We went to the turtle conservation centre.This is were the hurt turtles come.The Turtles can be injured by fishing nets,pollution and humans.


It starts of when the mother comes to the surface then it lays the eggs In the sand then they hatch and swim,off into the Ocean. Did you know a mother turtle lays 140 eggs but sadly only 56% hatch.


Our next and final stop in Brazil was the island of Florianopolis which is surrounded by beaches. We arrived there at 5.00pm and caught the bus to our apartment on the beach of Canasavieris. We had a look around and then got some sleep after a big day of traveling.

The next 5 days of our stay it looked like this, this is not our beach this is Pria Brava which is as you can see a surf beach. For the next 5 days we looked at all the beaches in Florianopolis and went to a place called Blumenau (bloomin dump) this was so horrible I am not going to talk about.

The only thing we did in these 5 days was go sand boarding when the weather was ok. This was really fun except the part when you have to walk up the hill with sand all in your pants after you've stacked at the bottom.

This is an action shot of me going down the hill just before I stacked it real bad. But we didn't stay 5 days here we stayed 7...

The first sunny day in Florianopolis we went to a beach called Ingleses which was very nice until we got raided by what we call Brazilian Bogans. They had dune Buggys that where so loud and flicked sand everywhere. After that we went to our beach Canasaverias and relaxed until dinner.

The next day (Monday) we went to a surf beach called Barra Lagoa and I rented a surfboard and had a surf. The surf was good and I caught a few good waves but it was to cold to stay in for more than a hour.

Next we went to the Tamar project which is a turtle rescue center located at Barra Lagoa. This is a Leather Back Turtle that can grow up to 2.5 m long, which I think is massive for a turtle.

These turtles have been rescued and and being cared for before they are fixed or build enough confidence to be let go back into the wild. Here is a maths question if on average a Female Turtle lays 140 eggs but only 56% hatch and make it to the water how many Turtles actually make it.

Overall Florianopolis has been a great 2-3 days but other than that has been boring and terrible. Next we are on our way to Uraguay and are catching the bus there at 8.00pm tommorow.



Today we went on a train ride which went from Curitiba to a little town called Morretes.The train trip was about 3hrs and 30mins.At the start of the train ride it was just going out of town ,then about 1hr and 30mins later it went into the rain forest.When we got to the little town we stoped and had lunch.After lunch we had a little walk around befor we had to get on the bus.When we got on the bus we stopped at a look out in the National Park.I got YUMMY fried banana chips!


Here is dad and Scarlett on the boat on the way back from Ilha Grande on Tuesday the 15th October. It was a really miserable day so we started our journey towards Paraty.

Paraty is and old city located about 2 hours drive from Ilha Grande. This town is 353 years old and in the old part of town no cars are allowed. It was raining so we only stayed 1 night there. Then we set off to Ubatuba.

Our next stop was Uba Oba which is just outside of Ubatuba. We came here to do some surfing at this beach. This is the view from our apartment that we stayed in for 2 nights.

For the next 2 days we where at the beach surfing when it was not raining. The first day was ok but we did not have any wax for the boards. Then the next day it was pouring so we had a little drive around and me and dad bought some wax. Then dad and I got up at 6.15 and went for an early morning surf which was pretty good. Then we came back later and had another surf then headed of to our next stop which was Itanhaem.

The drive to Itanhaem took ages but we made it. Then we left early in the morning so we could get to Curatiba.

We are now in Curatiba and today we did a scienic train ride on the cliff faces of the mountains. It was pretty good although we where on the wrong side of the train.

This is the view from our carriage which was pretty good. I am looking forward to going to Florianopilis tomorrow so me and dad can do more surfing.

Oscar :)

P.S happy birthday aunty kat and Michell Bamford

From the Simons family.


Today we went into the national park. We went to a beach with black sand and then had a big swim. Next we checked out an old jail which still had the prison cells in the basement.

In the afternoon daddy Oscar and me played soccer and volly ball on the beach.

The highlight of the day was when we had cake from the refrigated cart on the beach.

Tomorow we catch the boat Back to the main land.


These past few day have been pretty relaxed, we spent a night extra before we started our journey down the south coast of Brazil. This photo is me sleeping and not wanting to get up and going on our road trip. We started our journey on Sunday with our first stop being Ilha Grande.

Ilha Grande is a big island about an hours drive from the outskirts o Rio. These boats are these boats are like the boat we had to catch from the mainland to get to here. The trip only took an hour and it was quite a long way away.

This is the beachfront of Ilah grande which is where we got off the boat. This is a long beach but is cool because you can have diner right on the beach front and the chairs and tables are in the sand. I think the best bit is that you don't have to wear shoes to diner on really anywhere.

On the Ilha Grande island there are no cars in the streets and not real motorized vehicles on this island only a few for the police and construction workers. Everything is a really short walk and it is great it is a shame we are only staying 2 nights on this island.

Oscar :)


On the second day of Rio which was the 13th of October we had a beach day. Our first beach was this one which is about a 2 minute walk from where we are staying. This beach is small but nice and peaceful although the water was a bit polluted. After that we came back to our apartment and got ready to go out for the day. We walked down to the bus stop and caught the bus to...

Ipenima!! This is quite a famous beach as some of you may know the song that is about this beach. This whole beach is not Ipanema in the middle it changes to Leblon beach which is closer to where we are staying. If you look close enough where dad is standing look for the Sheraton hotel and we are staying just above that. Around the bend is an even more famous beach called Copacabana which also has a song about it but it was to windy that day to have a swim there.

The next day (today) we rode around the lake smack bang in the middle of the city surrounded by mountains. This is where the rowing will be when the Olympics come to Brasil. It was about 7-8 kilometres to ride around the lake which took about 45 minutes to an hour.

On our ride we saw this bird which is the bird that stared in the movie Rio which most of you may know about.

The next thing we did was go to Christ the Redeemer but here they call his Christo. I thought it was pretty disappointing because there where so many people there but it was still a great experience and I mean you can't go to rio without seeing it.



HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN. M from the Simons family.


Scarlett's Time In Iguacu Falls

Our first suprise was when mum and dad surprised Oscar and me by staying in a flash hotel with a really big, ginormous pool! It also had a games room, bowling ally, kids night club and spa.

What I really liked was the swim up bar where you could order a lemonade and the water features.

But of course we weren't just there to swim in the pool!

There are 2 sides of the falls. One side is in Argentina and the other side is in Brazil.

We went to the Brazilian side first. Here you look up at the water falls. I think there must have been over 20 water falls.

The next day we went to the other side AKA the Argentinean side. Here you feel like you are on top of the falls.

The scariest, biggest and most powerful falls were the Devild Throat. The water here falls 109 meters down!! It made me feel a bit creepy because it was so far down and the noise of the roaring water was SO loud. The falls I liked the most where the Brazilian falls, because we went on a boat ride inside the waterfall and we got soaked.

Miss you all

Love Scarlett


Today we left Iguacu to come to Rio. We landed at 9.00am and got taken to a amazing apartment. This photo is the view from our apartment out to the sea and onto Leblon beach. The next beach around from us is a very famous beach called Copacabana which some of you may know the song.

Today the first thing we did was go to the sugarloaf mountains. This mountain is the higher one called Pao de Acucar which is aproximently 396 metres above the ground. The smaller mountain is called Morro da Urca and that is only 220 metres high. The distance between Pao de Acucar and Morro da Urca is 735 metres.

To get from the ground to the mountain and from mountain to mountain the only way is to catch a cable car. These cable cars where pretty amazing and climbing heights of 200 and 100 metres. Overall today was a great day that was really fun ready for a great day at the Rio beaches tommorow.

Oscar :)


Toady we went to the Argentinian side of Iguazu falls. Here is Mum Dad and Scarlett at the Devlis Throat lookout. This part was amazing but scary at the same time because you where right up close to the waterfall with the most amount of water volume in the world. It was amazing how the people built the walkways across the rivers also so close to the waterfalls.

This is the view from the first walk we did which was called the Adran waterfalls. This walk was awesome because you get so close to the waterfalls. Yesterday on the Brazilian side we went under and where looking at the waterfalls bit today was a whole different perspective because today we where on top of Iguazu falls!!

This is the main water fall in Iguazu falls. Seeing this was amazing because there was so much water pouring out down the 100 metre drop. Overall today was amazing and to see the falls in a different perspective was awesome.

Oscar :)