Here is dad and Scarlett on the boat on the way back from Ilha Grande on Tuesday the 15th October. It was a really miserable day so we started our journey towards Paraty.

Paraty is and old city located about 2 hours drive from Ilha Grande. This town is 353 years old and in the old part of town no cars are allowed. It was raining so we only stayed 1 night there. Then we set off to Ubatuba.

Our next stop was Uba Oba which is just outside of Ubatuba. We came here to do some surfing at this beach. This is the view from our apartment that we stayed in for 2 nights.

For the next 2 days we where at the beach surfing when it was not raining. The first day was ok but we did not have any wax for the boards. Then the next day it was pouring so we had a little drive around and me and dad bought some wax. Then dad and I got up at 6.15 and went for an early morning surf which was pretty good. Then we came back later and had another surf then headed of to our next stop which was Itanhaem.

The drive to Itanhaem took ages but we made it. Then we left early in the morning so we could get to Curatiba.

We are now in Curatiba and today we did a scienic train ride on the cliff faces of the mountains. It was pretty good although we where on the wrong side of the train.

This is the view from our carriage which was pretty good. I am looking forward to going to Florianopilis tomorrow so me and dad can do more surfing.

Oscar :)

P.S happy birthday aunty kat and Michell Bamford

From the Simons family.

27/10/2013 06:51:58 pm

Looks great! How was the surf? Better then Freshie? Chillin with ma bro Jackson now. Wish I was in South America!

27/10/2013 07:00:15 pm

Hi Scarlett
What did you see in the rainforest? I bet it was exciting?
Did you have fun surfing? Do you like all the food, is it spicy?
I hope the rest of the trip is very fun
love rosie who does not like spicy food :)


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