Our next and final stop in Brazil was the island of Florianopolis which is surrounded by beaches. We arrived there at 5.00pm and caught the bus to our apartment on the beach of Canasavieris. We had a look around and then got some sleep after a big day of traveling.

The next 5 days of our stay it looked like this, this is not our beach this is Pria Brava which is as you can see a surf beach. For the next 5 days we looked at all the beaches in Florianopolis and went to a place called Blumenau (bloomin dump) this was so horrible I am not going to talk about.

The only thing we did in these 5 days was go sand boarding when the weather was ok. This was really fun except the part when you have to walk up the hill with sand all in your pants after you've stacked at the bottom.

This is an action shot of me going down the hill just before I stacked it real bad. But we didn't stay 5 days here we stayed 7...

The first sunny day in Florianopolis we went to a beach called Ingleses which was very nice until we got raided by what we call Brazilian Bogans. They had dune Buggys that where so loud and flicked sand everywhere. After that we went to our beach Canasaverias and relaxed until dinner.

The next day (Monday) we went to a surf beach called Barra Lagoa and I rented a surfboard and had a surf. The surf was good and I caught a few good waves but it was to cold to stay in for more than a hour.

Next we went to the Tamar project which is a turtle rescue center located at Barra Lagoa. This is a Leather Back Turtle that can grow up to 2.5 m long, which I think is massive for a turtle.

These turtles have been rescued and and being cared for before they are fixed or build enough confidence to be let go back into the wild. Here is a maths question if on average a Female Turtle lays 140 eggs but only 56% hatch and make it to the water how many Turtles actually make it.

Overall Florianopolis has been a great 2-3 days but other than that has been boring and terrible. Next we are on our way to Uraguay and are catching the bus there at 8.00pm tommorow.


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