On the second day of Rio which was the 13th of October we had a beach day. Our first beach was this one which is about a 2 minute walk from where we are staying. This beach is small but nice and peaceful although the water was a bit polluted. After that we came back to our apartment and got ready to go out for the day. We walked down to the bus stop and caught the bus to...

Ipenima!! This is quite a famous beach as some of you may know the song that is about this beach. This whole beach is not Ipanema in the middle it changes to Leblon beach which is closer to where we are staying. If you look close enough where dad is standing look for the Sheraton hotel and we are staying just above that. Around the bend is an even more famous beach called Copacabana which also has a song about it but it was to windy that day to have a swim there.

The next day (today) we rode around the lake smack bang in the middle of the city surrounded by mountains. This is where the rowing will be when the Olympics come to Brasil. It was about 7-8 kilometres to ride around the lake which took about 45 minutes to an hour.

On our ride we saw this bird which is the bird that stared in the movie Rio which most of you may know about.

The next thing we did was go to Christ the Redeemer but here they call his Christo. I thought it was pretty disappointing because there where so many people there but it was still a great experience and I mean you can't go to rio without seeing it.



HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN. M from the Simons family.

12/10/2013 08:29:26 am

Wow, Rio looks amazing!! Thanks for the birthday wishes and FaceTime call! Enjoy your home cooked meal and have a safe, fun, amazing road trip around brazil! Saudades de voce. Karen xxoo

12/10/2013 03:01:04 pm

Simons, trip & photos look amazing!! Thinking of you all often & can see u r having an amazing family adventure. We r all well, roasting in the heat. Lachie & Ethan r in the pool, Griff is at the beach & Jack & Mark r asleep. Mark got back from Cannes & London this morning. Griff had yr 5 camp last week & this week, Lachie's has state running & Jack has orientation at St K. Mark off to Melb for round the bay next weekend & I will be in Hussky w friends for my birthday.

12/10/2013 03:03:02 pm

Sorry, tech probs w keyboard at the end of last email. Signing off now, safe travels & happy family time! Love Michelle

15/10/2013 06:17:06 pm

Wow Awesome!!! Was the body surfing good?!?


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