Toady we went to the Argentinian side of Iguazu falls. Here is Mum Dad and Scarlett at the Devlis Throat lookout. This part was amazing but scary at the same time because you where right up close to the waterfall with the most amount of water volume in the world. It was amazing how the people built the walkways across the rivers also so close to the waterfalls.

This is the view from the first walk we did which was called the Adran waterfalls. This walk was awesome because you get so close to the waterfalls. Yesterday on the Brazilian side we went under and where looking at the waterfalls bit today was a whole different perspective because today we where on top of Iguazu falls!!

This is the main water fall in Iguazu falls. Seeing this was amazing because there was so much water pouring out down the 100 metre drop. Overall today was amazing and to see the falls in a different perspective was awesome.

Oscar :)

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