Today my family went to the beach. My dad and I went for a swim first then we went to hire a surf board for Oscar.

While Oscar was surfing I went with my dad to go buy a hat and sunny's

After that We went to the turtle conservation centre.This is were the hurt turtles come.The Turtles can be injured by fishing nets,pollution and humans.


It starts of when the mother comes to the surface then it lays the eggs In the sand then they hatch and swim,off into the Ocean. Did you know a mother turtle lays 140 eggs but sadly only 56% hatch.

3/11/2013 07:12:23 pm

Is that a couple of Brazillian movie stars in the hats and sunnies ?

Aunty Kat
3/11/2013 07:34:31 pm

Glad you got some sunshine finally. It looks just like Jervis Bay!!!


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