We have now arrived in the lovely old of Bunoes Aires, Argentina. We are in our amazing apartment which is located in the perfect spot. Good way to start the holiday except a bit shaky at the start.

Here we are on the airline on LAN flying across the Andes with the best spot in the house ( well airplane). It was an amazing sight as we came out a great city called Santiago.

Here is our airplane getting ready for our flight to Bunoes Aires. This flight was a short one but all our flying hours so far adds up to 16 hours in the air!

27/9/2013 08:57:26 am

Hope you guys have a great time in Buonoes Aires. The apartment looks really awesome.

28/9/2013 11:01:16 am

Hope you guys have heaps of fun, and now im gonna smash the points score on swim club oski!!!
Hope you guys have a great time!!

28/9/2013 11:01:53 am

Awesome photos as well!!!
Keep them coming in!!!

Gina Perez (gus' mum)
28/9/2013 06:55:52 pm

Bienvenidos a Sur America!!! I'm sure you are feeling all the warmness of all the people. I'm happy that you arrived safely and had a great flight. I'm glad you already had an Argentinian bbq. Its the best on in all of South America.i will soon give you a list of all the beautiful and important places you should visit in Colombia. I hope you keep having lots of fun.

29/9/2013 08:43:16 am

Hola Amigos, I miss you all already :o(
I wish I was there, make sure you have some morcillas on your next BBQ. Un beso grande para todos xoxoxo

oscar simons
29/9/2013 09:15:54 am


Buenos noches

After dramas of Argentina visa in NZ all going well.

Check out Oscar and Scarlett's update for today's events.




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