Today we went to Tigre. Tigre is a town on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, it is a great place which is made up of many different is lands that are connected by boats that run the the dirty canals. We went to one of the islands called Tres Boca.

This is One of the boats that go through the canals and they are very loud. This is how the people on the islands like Tres Boca get to the mainland called Tigre.

This is the BBQ that the restaurant we went to is Tres Boca cooked Mum and Dads meat on. Apparently it was amazing and exactly how meat is supposed to be cooked. After lunch we walked along dog infested pathways that did not stop barking at us so we decided to turn back.

After a long day it was here is Scarlett on one of the 8 trains we caught throughout the day getting ready for a long trip back.


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