The Walking Trees roots grow on the outside of the tree which pulls the tree in the direction the roots are going into the soil. So the tree seems to be moving and that's why it's called a Walking tree.

The Dragon Tree is called this because it's sap is the colour of blood when you cut into the bark. The sap is used for healing things like cuts, sore and grazes on the skin. The native Kichwa people would rub the sap on the sore bit and it would clean the cut. When you rub it onto the skin it would turn from blood red to white. If you had an upset belly you would mix the sap with a lot of water and drink it. You can't have the sap on its own as it is too strong and will poison you.

Termite nests in tree's are also used by the Kichwa people. They would stick their finger inside the termites nest so the termites will come out. Then they would rub the termites and squash them on their skin. This is an insect repellent. The mums also burn termite mounds to create smoke that keeps bugs away from their sleeping babies.Termites like to eat the inside of the tree. It's takes 3 years for the tree to be destroyed by the termites.

One of the things the Kichwa people grow is coca beans. This is what chocolate is made from. Yum!! When the pod is red it is ready to be chopped down from the tree. They take the coca beans from the pod and they dry them out. After 6 days they are ready to be sold at market.

Aunty Kat
21/12/2013 06:07:16 pm

Great photos of you Scarlett, I love the face painting. Will I recognise you in Colombia?…you're so grown up now.
Only 4 more sleeps.
Cant wait.

21/12/2013 10:18:40 pm

Maybe maybe not


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