Today we went to the bus terminal and it was massive.(A bus terminal is like a massive train station and takes you to different states,city's and Counries)We went to buy Our tickets for our next trip,witch is tomorrow AKA Friday.We went to buy our tickets but we didn't have our passports. So we have to go tomorrow.

The second part of the day was when we walked along the waterfront. In the water was a floating Mini Minor and a tree.

Next we went to a big park like Centenial Park in Sydney where we rode bikes for 1 1/2 hours. The man gave me the smallest bike that was the hardest to ride!!

Half way through the ride I went down a rocky road and went super fast but then I hit a big rock and jarred my neck! After that Dad bent his wheel, because he was showing off to us kids by skidding on the path.

The last bit if the day was when we went on the flying fox. I really liked it because you don't sit on it you stand. I also like it because it was super fast not like the old greasy ones on Aussie !

Here's a photo of me on the flying fox.

And here's a photo of my're never too old to enjoy a flying fox.

Adios Amigos

Scarlett x

3/10/2013 08:32:23 pm

Hi Scarlett
It looks fun out there

4/10/2013 11:45:03 am

I wish i was there im at home bored

Grandad Evans
5/10/2013 05:02:46 pm

Seems u r having great time. I could not access blog till now, Pa told me it was weebly, not weekly. Great win by Wallabies, did not see u in crowd.


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