On Monday we started our 24 hour bus trip from El Calafate to Puerto Madryn, we took a 4 hour bus ride to Rio Gallegos, then from there we went to Puerto Madryn in carma suite class which was pretty cool. We arrived in Puerto Madryn on Tuesday.

Beep, Beep, Beep went our alarm at 6.00am, then the second alarm (mum) woke me, Scarlett and Dad up and ready for an amazing day of swimming with the seals. We went and did our training at 7.00 then put our 3 wetsuits on and set off at 8.00 towards the animal reserve. We jumped into the freezing water with our instructor Fransisco and 3 other people and snorkelled our way towards the seals. We had three seals come right up to us and I got to pat one, we moved and swam and the seals followed with joy, jumping up and down and swimming right under us. We looked in at the shore towards the seal colony and I saw 2 massive seals that at first I thought were elephant seals but they were just lazy males, the rest of seals were mothers with their pups and other female seals. The ones that swam with us were some pups that had just lost their fur, they were very energetic and came right up to us and let us pat and hug them, and their mothers watched closely by the shore.


21/11/2013 03:28:27 pm

Looks amazing! Wish I could swim with the seals. Watching the Ashes and Australia are doing amazing. Australia got 295 runs in the first innings with Haddin and Johnson scoring lots (Haddin 94, Johnson 64). Then Straya bowled and got England out for 136! Australia is leading by 222 runs at the moment and it's nearly over.

Aunty Kat
22/11/2013 07:41:33 pm

Great photos! I love the one where the seal is kissing your googles!!! xxx

23/11/2013 11:48:30 am

Wow the seals look so cute! I hope you guys are having a really great time.


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