If South America has the same seasons as Australia then what would we be doing now, at the beach, preparing for Christmas and anything else that involves sun. Well what we did today involved sun but in a different way because......

WE WENT SKIING in summer!!

Yes that's right today we went Skiing on top of Volcan Mocho which was indescribable. We had to get up early and come down to the tree house at 8.00 so we could be driven up to the top of the mountain where the snow is. We got our skis on and jumped in the cat ski (oversnow).

This is the Volcano that we skied on, and did you know that this is the only place in South America and maybe even the world that you can ski in the summer. So it's pretty special that we got to do it!!

This is the slope we went down about 10 times which was about a blue run, these jumps are here because there was a snow board comp about 2 days ago. This was so fun going off the jumps but not to fast I case this happens....



Once we finished our 10 runs Mum, Dad, Sebastion ( our guide) and another instructor skied down a black slope to get back to the refuge, Scarlett and I could not do it as we were not experienced enough. This was an amazing day and who would of thought skiing in summer holidays!!

Oscar :-)

Aunty Kat
2/12/2013 04:17:13 am

Is it better skiing in Australia or Argentina? Which has the better snow and best terrain?

oscar simons
2/12/2013 06:03:30 am

Neither because we were skiing in Chile.

Aunty Kat
7/12/2013 12:11:31 pm

Aaah…good point smarty pants!

12/12/2013 10:37:51 am

The snow looks amazing! Wish I could get out skiing right now, but in Australia it's as hot as a Chile! Get it? Also how was the volcano? See any Luke warm lava, BTW don't touch the stuff it can give you mild burns....


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