Night 1

When we arrived we met the group and had dinner.

Day 1

The next Day we rode Our horses to a broken fence that got washed away from the heavy rain. First we pulled all the weeds off the fence,then we went back over the river and tied the fence together.On the first ride which was when we fixed the fence I had to be lead by Juan. He did this by attaching a rope from my horse to his horse. While we were riding home we rounded up the sheep.It was really funny watching the lambs run to there mums.We were herding the sheep to the yards and weening them.For those that do not know what weening is it's when you split the lamb and the mums but they put 1male in to show the lambs what to do for the rest of there lives!for you that think its cruel it isn't because the lambs are like 4months old which is pretty old. Before we weened the sheep we had lunch after lunch we went to the yards. We didn't need to get on the horses because it was right next to the house. When we were weening the sheep we got a little help from the dogs. The mother sheep were jumping up to try and find there baby's.

Day 2

On day 2 we we did the same as day 1 but with cows.

Day 3

On day 3 it was raining so we could not work with the animals. But we still went on the horses. We went up to this hill which had a wonderful view!

Day 4

On day 4 it was Susan's birthday party! We had a big lunch and then we went for a horse ride with the guests.

Day 5

Day 5 was sadly the last day so we had the last ride and went.

The animals

My job was to feed the potty calf every morning and night. There were also these little turkey chics that I had to feed and they were so cute! I also fed the pigs cat dogs chickens and the horses (they weren't all the animals on the farm).

Aunty Kat
13/11/2013 06:12:12 pm

This is such a great blog Scarlett. I wish I was with you it sounded like so much fun. The turkey chicks look so cute. Im not so sure I could have helped with the weaning lambs, I would have been hiding them from the dogs so they could stay with their Mummys.
Am so looking forward to seeing you in Colombia.
Lots of love Aunty Kat xxxx

Aunty Kat
13/11/2013 06:13:51 pm

Why is a potty calf called a potty calf? Does it mean they're a bit crazy?? xxx

oscar simons
14/11/2013 04:54:12 am

No it means it has no mother and because you have to hand feed it.


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