You'll never guess what I did today (Wednesday 20 November ) !

I snorkelled with the seals in the ocean off Patagonia.

We had to get up at 6.00am to be in the water at high tide, when the seals leave the rocks to swim. We had to put on three layers of wetsuits because the water was so cold! We even had to wear a hood and gloves. Next we got in a little boat and drove out to where the Seals live.

Once we were in the water and in a small group the seals came right up to us and swam behind us. Then one came right up to me. I let go of my dad and gave it a big hug. When we stayed in our small group and kicked on our backs they would follow us. It was the mums and the pups that came to visit us. The female seals were darker and the male were a lighter colour.

On the the beach there were two big males and I was a bit scared as I thought they might come in the water, but our instructor said they are too lazy.

I started to get a bit cold near the end, before we got back on the boat and had some hot tea on our way back to the shore.

Sadly that was the end of my amazing experience swimming in the ocean with seals.


20/11/2013 02:12:40 pm

What an amazing day you had swimming with the seals. Looking forward to hearing more news of your adventure.
Love Grandma

20/11/2013 03:49:10 pm

What a amazing day you had swimming with the seals. What a potty it was s cold. Looking forward to hearing about your next adventure.
Love Grandma

Aunty Kat
21/11/2013 05:51:27 am

How wonderful to be able to hug a seal. Did her whiskers tickle your face? The seal pups must have been so cute. xxx

Laura Townsend
2/12/2013 04:59:19 am

Dear Scarlett, I hope you are having a great holiday because it looks like you are! First thing in the morning I was sad because I had a dream about you and you were there at school. I really miss you! Have good Christmas and see you next year. Those seals look so


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