Today was another late start but we still did many things. This is a picture by the Buenos Aires port. This is where all the big crater ships come into.

This is us riding in Laguna de las Gaviotas which is B.A's Central Park. It was cool but the track was very bumpy. It also had many mud pits which where awesome to ride in.

This is the coastline of B.A and as you can probably see the ocean is very brown not blue like Australia. There is no sand it is just rocks and debris that makes the coastline of B. A.


oates family
19/10/2013 12:34:00 pm

love the blog....keep it up

Paul oates
19/10/2013 01:06:25 pm

hey andy thanks for the text just was going to say started swim club again - we got about 10 new families so all good... fantastic weather this weekend in sydneuy...enjoy the south of brazil....cheers oatesy


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