You'd never believe I,d stay in a treehouse on this trip but gues what I stayed in one for 4 days called canopy village!!!!!!!!!

This is what it looks like inside the treehouse.

The shape of the house is a hexagon,it's just like a bird house.

The place that we stayed was called Huilohuilo Reserva (sounds like wheel-o wheel-o) and there are many things you can do. My favourite day out of the whole time here was skiing. We went on the snow cat up to get our skies on. Then the snow cat took us up to the mountain which is also a glacier and a volcano.In the distance you can see a lonely volcano and it looked spectacular. At first I was a little rusty although after a few goes I was able to ski down without poles.

Meanwhile on our drive back to Orsorno we stopped at this place called Therma Geologica which are hot springs. Hot springs are made by water underground rushing over the hot volcanic rock which heats up the water and makes steaming springs. The pools had the temperature written on the outside. The coldest was 7 degree's and the hottest was 40 degree's which was a little bit too hot. We sat in the wonderful pools and relaxed. These springs have a healing power because of the minerals in the water.

Today is Tuesday 3rd of December and we are in Santiago. Tomorrow we catch our plane to Ecuador.

Love Scarlett x

Aunty Kat
6/12/2013 09:54:06 pm

What an amazing treehouse. I want one!! The skiing looked incredible too…what an a fantastic photo of you with the volcano in the background. The scenery must have been stunning! Im very impressed you skiied down with no poles. How did you turn?
Great talking to you last night.Only 21 more sleeps till we see you.
Lotsa love
Aunty Kat

aunty Kat
7/12/2013 12:09:45 pm

Your ski trip looks amazing! Great photo of you with the volcano in the background.It must have been great to go skiing then chill in the hot springs.Did you go in the 7 degree springs!

8/12/2013 12:29:39 am

The thermal pool looks great, wish we could be there too! See you soon xxx

10/12/2013 10:33:15 am

Great Blog. Love Scarlett's treehouse story and Oscar's Huilo Huilo review. Very well written, Oscar. Looks like you're having a wonderful time - don't forget to come home. We miss you.
Antoinette, Kim and James


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