After our night in Montivideo we came down to a little beach house in a village on the beach called Las Flores. We arrived at 2.00 with yet another hire car that we had driven down from Montivideo. We dropped our stuff at the beach house and then went into town which is called Piriopolis, we had lunch at a little fish shack which was very nice but as per usual we over ordered. After lunch we went up to the top of a mountain by chair lift, this was weird because there is no snow in Piriopolis in the winter. The mountain overlooked Piriopolis and th Gold Coast of Uraguay called Punta del Este. Then we went back and had a game if beach soccer and tennis before having a home cooked pasta for dinner which was DELICIOUS.

The second day of our stay was pretty relaxed, we stayed at home until about 2.00pm just sitting and swimming on the beach. At 2.00 we went into Punta del Este to have a look around. We went to the port and had a look at the beaches and the "hand in the sand". After this we went to see if we could go out to the island and see the seals but it was to windy and bumpy so we didn't. After that we went home and had some dinner.

On the last day of our stay we went into Piriopolis and went for a swim at the beach. Me and Scarlett did some boogie boarding but it was to cold for Mum and Dad to go in. Then we went home and did some more swimming and realaxing at our beach before having a BBQ on the beach for dinner. The meat was cooked perfectly and we had it just in time to watch a big lightning storm role in.

The next morning we left at 7.30 to Montivideo then from Montivideo to Colonia which is where we are right now. Tommorow we are catching the boat across to BA, Argentina.


9/11/2013 04:40:30 pm

hi Scarlett and Oscar,sorry me and eloise have not left any comments lately,we looked at all the photos you have put out lately and i thought seeing the turtles looked really cool.And the horse ranch looked really fun especially riding the horses.
promise we will leave another comment soon

9/11/2013 05:17:02 pm

Wow, the beach house looks so cool and the water looks so nice! I hope you guys are having a good time and have safe sails to Buenos Aires.

11/11/2013 04:52:52 am

Beaut nice crib so jealous


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