On Saturday we caught the boat across the river from Colonia to Buenos Aires which took 3 hours because of immigration delays. Once we got off the boat we caught a Taxi to drop our bags at the apartment and then we were picked up by Santi, Lucia and family to go to their farm in La Plata. The drive was about 2 hours.

At the farm we rode in the horse drawn carrage which was really fun. We rounded up some cattle and put them in a different paddocks. Then we went back to the house and Santi cooked a traditional Argentinian BBQ, which was delicious. We went to bed at about 10.30pm. In the morning it was Sunday and in Argentina Sunday is a rest day so we had a quiet day. We played some Croquet and did a little bit of gardening. After lunch Marta (Lucia's mother) gave me a haircut which was great because my hair was getting really long. Then we went back to BA and stayed at Santi and Lucia's house. It was great to spend time with their family and hopefully they will come to Australia to visit one day.

On Monday we then went into the city and had a look at a 101 year old book store called El Atenea. There where not many English books there but I did end up getting a movie. Then we visited Santi in his office and said our last goodbyes before returning to our apartment ready for our flight tommorow to Patagonia.

The photos of the farm are on Dad's camera so I will have to upload them later.

And a very happy B'day to Luke hope u had a good one wish I could be there to celebrate it with you. See you when we get back.

Adios Ozzy

Aunty Kath
13/11/2013 05:59:59 pm

I think I went to that same book store!! I got a book called "American Psycho" which is a famous book about a serial killer. I read it on the bus up to Iquacu Falls where I was by myself in hotel for 2 nights and couldn't sleep because I was so terrified of someone coming into the room. I think a movie would have been a much better option (not of American Psycho though!) xxx

oscar simons
14/11/2013 09:31:10 am

Me and Scarlett did get a movie each because there where not many English books for us.


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