Today we went to the Brazil side of one of the 7 natural wonders of the world which is the amazing Iguacu falls. This photo is the first part which is the calmer part of Iguacu falls and this part is where the boats that go under the falls go which is what we did. We drove up the fastest flowing river in the world whilst going over some big waves and rapids. Once we got to the waterfalls we went under one and got absolutely soaked, we did this 4 times and it was amazing. Mum and Scarlett thought the water was freezing and could not stop shivering on the boat but me and dad where having such a good and had such a adrenalin rush we didn't even notice the water temperature. This is not all we did at Iguacu that day though...

Whilst walking along the paths through the jungle we found different animals like monkeys and Tucans that we don't get in Australia. This photo is a Tucan that we saw perched on a branch above us.

This is the more powerful part of Iguacu which is called the Devils Throat. It is 100 metres high and this is in the season where there is not much water. In the wet season there is twice as much water that flows down the river which would be so scary but amazing to see.

This is one of the waterfalls in the Devils Throat. The sound was amazing it sound like a building crashing down and smashing the floor beneath it.

This is a platform that looks right over the falls into the fastest flowing river in the world which is called the Iguacu river. At the platform you get really soaked as well from the spray of the waterfall. Overall it was a great day that will continue on over to tommorow exempt from a different country.


P.S hope you are having a great time at school :):)

15/10/2013 06:19:02 pm

All those photos are awesome!!! Especially the ones of the falls!!!


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