Think of the wierdest hotel or place you have ever stayed in, then times the weirdness by 100 that image you have in your mind may be the place we are staying in now. We arrived at Huilo Huilo Reserve with no idea what this was, we saw a tree house, hotel in a mountain and a mushroom lodge. We managed to find our way to our canopy village which is a village in amongst the trees of the Huilo Huilo forest.

This is our lovely little cabin amongst the forest which is amazing, to get to it you need to walk along and elevated board walk into the forest about 100 metres from the entrance. We do not have proper beds we have camping beds that are elevated of the wooden floor, they are very comfortable.

The next day we went and explored this wonderful village and walked to each of the different hotels and lodges. I think this one is the coolest, MAGIC MOUNTAIN. This is a man made mountain of rock with a hotel inside, from the outside it looks amazing and on the inside there is a spiral staircase that leads up to all the different rooms. There are about 20 rooms that looked a bit small. We did not get to stay in this place.

After exploring Magic mountain we went on a 2 hour walk down to Salto Fuy which is the main river and connects into lago Fuy. This is the Salto which is waterfall in Spanish. The waterfalls are very powerful but not compared to Iguacu. The walk was very nice and and we could get really close to the waterfall. It was called the walk of spirits and it is a peaceful walk where you can stop and meditate near the waterfall.

After the peaceful walk we came and explored the tree house, this is the architecture of the inside of the treehouse. A hollow tree with rooms going round and round then and lookout on the top to see the volcan Mocho. After this we went and did our first activity which was Zip Lineing through the forest about 50 metres above the ground. We do not have any photos of this adventure but if anyone has ever been to tree tops in Gosford it is like that except higher and not as many obsticles. Then we went home to our nice camping beds.

Oscar :-)

30/11/2013 05:20:50 pm

What fun you have had sleeping in your tree house. Each blog we receive is as exciting as the one before. We are looking forward to hearing about your visit to the Galapagos Islamds next week.
Love Grandma.

Aunty Kat
1/12/2013 12:07:57 am

I have nothing to say…speechless…looks amazing…jealous. That is all! xxx

12/12/2013 10:41:27 am

The walk must have been magical with all the diverse plants and trees! Looks spectacular, the waterfalls also sound very cool! BTW Australia is winning the Ashes and Mitchell Johnson is on a roll! This last game he got more than half the English batsman out, but now for the next test at the WACA hope Straya win!!!!


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