What can I say.....

North Seymour,

Friget birds, sea lions, land iguanas, blue footed boobies and crabs.

Island Sombrero Chino,

On land:

Galapagos Hawks, sea lions, Marine Iguanas, crabs and Pelicans.

In the Water

100 different types of fish, white tip reef shark, stingray, Marine Iguanas and lots lots more fish!

Bartolome Island

On the Island:

Lava lizards, Grasshoppers and Galapagos Hawks.

On the dingy Ride:

Penguins, sea lions, Blue footed boobies, reef shark ad bird life.

Genovesa island

On land:

Sea birds, herons, Friget birds, sea lions, blue footed boobies, red footed boobies, Nazcar boobies, Marine Iguanas and baby boobies.


Millions of fish, octopus, scorpion fish (poisonous), seals & sea lions and pelicans.

In the Dingy:

Friget birds, fur seals, Sea birds, Nazcar Boobies and Red footed boobies.

Santiago Island

On land:

Marine iguanas, seals, fur seals & sea lions, giant tortoise, crabs and Galapagos hawks.

Rabida island

On land:

Sea lions and birds


1000000 different typeset of fish, stingray, reef shark, Marine Iguanas 15 different seals swam with us and a scorpion fish (poisonous).

Charles Darwin center

Santa Cruz Island

Dome shelled tortoises, saddle back tortoises, land Iguanas, Lonsome George's Grave and little baby tortoises.

The highlands

What we saw;

NATIVE GIANT TORTISES within touching distance.

What we did:

Walked through a lava tunnel, said goodbye to the friends we made on the boat as this was the final day on our cruz The Angelito!!

And so ends our time in the Galapagos, our minds are now full with wonderful memories. Memories of animals of people, of landscapes and of rough seas. But this is a place that everyone should see, so I hope to see you there in the next week.

Oscar :)

Grandma & Pa
23/12/2013 11:49:50 am

We loved the photos and can understand why you loved your visit to the Galápagos Islands. Speak with you tomorrow Christmas Day.
Our love always Mum & Dad

Priscilla Eloise Rose Adam
3/1/2014 07:22:22 pm

What amazing things you guys have seen, Sorry Oscar that we didn't make it there within the week, may be another time. Hope youhad a greta Christmas, see you on a few weeks xxxxx

Rose and the family
4/1/2014 08:13:03 am

The animals looked amazing and the turtoises were cute. Did Oscar put mud in it's back?

Ruby and family
15/1/2014 10:00:47 am

The sea lions are adorable did you get to touch them?


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