Today we explored around our beautiful suburb of Palermo. It was good fun seeing all the little shops and getting lost along the way. We visited the little cafe's around Palermo Hollywood and Palermo Soho.

This is what most of the streets looked like that we walked down but most of them have little shops or restaurants poking out. The pathways are not very smooth and have lots of tiles and broken tiles missing. And in B.A the people don't pick up the dog poop so it is all over that pathways and dad was unlucky enough to step in some. Haha

To cross from Palermo Hollywood to Palermo Soho you have to cross the train tracks. It was really cool but the train tracks need some real refurbishment because the trains are really loud and bumpy.

This is some accepted artwork in B.A and yes it is graffiti but our family think it is accepted in B.A because it is everywhere and no one looks like they want to clean it up.

Today we also went to a polo match at the massive Palermo stadium. It was twice the size of a footy stadium and the stands are almost vertical. Polo is a match which is played on horses and you hit a ball about the size of a hockey ball. They hit the ball with something that looks like a croquet stick. Then you have to hit the ball into and goal that is like a soccer post but without the crossbar. There are also 4 players/ horses on each team so 8 on a field each chaka which is like a quarter time and these happen 7 times in a match and the chukas are 7 minutes each one.

These are the horses that came right near where we where sitting. It was an amazing day that I think was the best day in B.A so far.


1/10/2013 08:26:49 am

Hola Amigos, muchas gracias for all the photos. It's great!!!
asta la vista amigos xoxo

2/10/2013 05:15:41 am

Yeah oski!!! Great work with all the photos!!! Love the descriptions too (not sarcastically)!!!!!

13/10/2013 04:06:00 pm

safe travels Mrs Simons
( Olivia Hills's sister )
dance isn't as passionate without you
Olivia Hills


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