Our first ever Christmas overseas and guess where it was... Colombia, these party people celebrate every single holiday known and they sure can throw a party. We arrived to the very cool old city of Cartagena after 3 days of travelling from Quito. We had 2 days to get our wonderful apartment as jazzed up as possible before Christmas Day. On Christmas Eve we finally found a tree and some decorations to put up in our apartment. And if I might say it looked pretty dam good!!

This was the final product that took us and hour to complete and then we got dressed up so we could go out to church.

Wow what an experience church Was and to everyone's surprise we could kind of understand it. But as quick as a flash it had ended, only a 45 minute service which is not what I expected. So back to our apartment we went and set out cookies and milk for old Santa himself. Then we went to sleep while the presents were delivered.

So on the 25th of December we woke up and ran to the tree our little stockings packed with presents so heavy they could not handle anymore. And under the tree there were more prezzies and even mum and dad got a treat themselves. So we were all happy after this Christmas Day, then we waited until our aunties came. They were arriving on the 27th of December and we were so excited to see them..

18/1/2014 06:37:21 am

Feliz Natal! Hope you had a very merry christmas! Cant wait to see you when you get back!


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