Our first tree house in Chile was cool,

but not as cool as a tree house in the clouds!

We started our journey down yes down towards the cloud forest at 6.25 in the morning. We finally arrived to Bellavista in time for breakfast in our tree house which is the picture above. Then we set of on our first walk through the cloud forest hoping to spot some birds and guess what


The first bird we herd was a Tucan so we decided to have a look, we found three of them and I was first to spot one. We saw many different birds also on our walk like the wood creeper who walks up and down the trees, and many other small but coulorful birds.

This place is also called hummingbird heaven and in the next picture you can see why.....

This are the feeders right out front of the tree house and there are so many humming birds coming in and out every minute. There were also many different hummingbirds that we saw.

But not only humming birds like the feeders at Bellavista, these natives squirrels like to sip the half water half sugar liquid out of the feeders as well.

This is the ladder we had to climb up every time we wanted to get to our penthouse, not really a penthouse though sort of like a Simons family (budget) penthouse up the top of the Bellavista tree house. You may be able to see it on the first photo.

Me and dad got up and 4.40am in the morning to go and see this amazing bird called the "cock of the rock" which is the bird in the picture now. This next picture is one off the internet as this is the best I could get.

We saw about 12 of these birds making really strange noises but it was an amazing bird to see. I got a really good view of them through my binoculars and I could see the little red Afro on the top of its head. This was the final thing I did at Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve


Aunty Kat
21/12/2013 06:11:12 pm

Hi Oscar, I went to Mindo when I went to Ecuador it was beautiful.I didn't get to stay in a treehouse though. I remember the hummingbird forest and thought it was incredible they could stay stationary and feed while being in mid air. How fast do their wings beat?

oscar simons
21/12/2013 11:41:04 pm

80 beats a second!!


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