Aunty Kat and Aunty Jules finally arrived on the 27th of December, and we were hoping for some good weather and boy did we get it. So on the 28th of December we set off in the blazing sun to our amazing beach house on the island of Baru. Our boat dropped us off on the sand at about 10.30 after a 45 minute boat ride from Cartagena.

This is how close the house was to the sand, it was literally out of the living room 2 steps and then sand hits your feet. We spent most of the time here reading and relaxing, swimming and laughing and lots of eating. We even had a mini Olympics on our 2nd last and last nights.

These are the sunsets we got every night


Two steps from the beach house.

13/1/2014 01:33:41 pm

Great find & nice place to relax & have fun before your strenuous trek to the Lost City. Love Grandma & Pa


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